Live your best (campus) life.


Resident Halls

Bankston Horsfall Maxwell Royer University Apartments
Furnished x x x x x
Cable x x x x x
Wi-Fi x x x x x
Free Laundry x x x x x
Inside Hallways x x   x  
Outside Hallways     x   x
Private Rooms   x   x  
Suite-Style Bathrooms x   x    
Private Bathrooms         x
Community Bathrooms   x x x  
Allowed to Cook        



Description of Bankston Hall

新装修的班克斯顿大厅是一个三层楼的套房式宿舍 male and female students.  设施包括开放式大堂、游戏室、自习室、 宽敞的电视休息室,并在每层洗衣设施.  Each suite consists of 两个双人入住的房间由一个私人浴室分隔.  All rooms are furnished with new loft furniture; including loft beds, study tables with steel stack chairs, 三个抽屉的柜子,一个抽屉的带锁的床头柜,还有独立式的 wardrobes.  No private rooms are available.  All rooms are double-occupancy.


Basic Cable
Residence Parking
Private Bathrooms
Free Wi-Fi
Study Lounge
TV/Game Lounge
Co-ed Suite Style
Inside Hallways
Vending Machine: 1st floor
Free Laundry Facility
Hardwired Internet

Bankston Hall Layout

Description of Horsfall Hall

霍斯福尔宿舍是一个三层楼的全女性宿舍,大约容纳 110 female students.  Horsfall is unique; no two rooms are exactly the same. Both 可提供双人房和私人房间.  All rooms have a sink, large window, and are furnished with loft furniture (one per resident); including loft beds, desk 有钢制叠椅,三抽屉梳妆台,带锁的床头柜,还有 built in closets. 设施包括开放式大厅、免费洗衣设施和自动售货机 机器,以及最近翻新的社区浴室和私人浴室.


Basic Cable
Residence Parking
Private Bathrooms
Free Wi-Fi
Open lobby
Free Laundry Facility
Inside Hallways
Vending Machines
Hardwired Internet

Horsfall Halls layout

Description of Maxwell Hall

麦克斯韦大厅是一个两层的套房式宿舍,可容纳约130人 male and female students.  设施包括一间自习室,宽敞的电视休息室,宽敞的浴室 free laundry facility on the 1st floor, and a drink vending machine.  Each suite consists of two double-occupancy rooms divided by a private bathroom.  All rooms are furnished with loft furniture; 包括阁楼床,带钢叠椅的桌子,三个抽屉梳妆台,一晚 带锁的门,一个独立的衣柜和一个内置的壁橱.  No private rooms are available.  All rooms are double occupancy.


Basic Cable
Residence Parking
Private Bathrooms
Free Wi-Fi
Study Lounge
TV/Game Lounge
Co-ed Suite Style
Outside Hallways
Vending Machine: 1st floor
Free Laundry Facility
Hardwired Internet

Maxwell Hall Layout

Description of Royer Hall

罗耶大厅是一个三层楼的男女混合宿舍,可容纳大约108名学生 students. 所有的房间都有一个水槽,并配有床,书桌空间,椅子,和 壁架内置抽屉,壁橱和额外的存储空间. Amenities unique to Royer 大厅包括9间带隔音板的练习室,小型合奏室 排练室,可进入音乐系听力实验室,专门编程 并为音乐学生提供活动,位于交通便利的街对面 表演和视觉艺术中心,提供乐队和唱诗班的近距离通道 facilities. 所有全日制音乐学生(注册12学时以上),会员 未满21岁的乐队或合唱团成员(截至第一天) (每个学期的课程),并完成少于60个学分的住校 in Royer Hall.


Basic cable
Free Laundry Facility
Hardwired Internet
Inside Hallways
Private Bathrooms
Vending Machines
Free Wi-Fi
Residence Parking
TV Lounge
Open Lobby

Royer Hall Layout

Description of Apartments

大学公寓大楼位于校园内,交通便利. The University 公寓被设计为居住在住宅之间的舒适过渡 毕业后住宿舍和独立生活. Each apartment is completely furnished 包括一个厨房区,配有电器,客厅,两间卧室,和 每间公寓的两名住户共用浴室. The University Apartments 如果你正在寻求一种自主的生活方式,这是一个很好的选择吗. Built in 1999, the 两居室公寓共容纳48套公寓. The University 公寓位于大学中心附近,步行距离很短 to all major classroom buildings. 公寓结合了生活的便利 在校园里拥有独立、轻松的氛围.


如果你是全日制学生,你可以申请住在大学公寓. 优惠以先到先得的方式进行.

大学公寓需要全年支付租金.  You must pay rent over 为秋季和春季预订你的公寓.   A student choosing 不支付夏季I和夏季II租金的学生必须迁出所分配的宿舍 在即将到来的秋季,学生将丧失保留大学公寓的权利 学期,必须重新申请即将到来的秋季公寓.

Meal Plan

公寓的居民需要购买一份膳食计划. In addition to the 标准的膳食计划选择,大学为公寓居民提供了一个特殊的选择. 居民可以选择购买一个学期的餐食 Credit Balance (DCB). 这些餐点提供了灵活性,允许居民 在整个学期的任何时候都可以使用这些餐点. The DCB account will be accepted 不仅在食堂,Chick-Fil-A,星巴克WPS/P.O.D. & at concession stands at most sporting events.


大学公寓设施齐全. Each kitchen includes a refrigerator, oven and range, sink and built-in cabinets. Each bedroom is furnished with a bed, 床头柜,三抽屉柜,书桌,桌椅和带架子的壁橱. The living 房间包括一个组合式沙发,电视架,和咖啡桌/茶几. Each 公寓有互联网连接(有线和无线网络),基本的有线电视和空气 conditioning. 两个洗衣机和烘干机位于每一个的底层 two apartment buildings.

Visitation Policy

大学公寓的住客有24小时探视政策. The policy requires 公寓居民如有需要,应通知住宿主任或住宿助理 plan to have a guest for longer than 48-hours. The resident must have written consent 从他/她的室友有客人过夜之前,将获得许可. 客人在住宿期间必须遵守学校的规章制度. 住客要对客人的行为负责.

Break Periods

在春假、节假日期间,学生可以住在自己的公寓里 在夏天,只要他们的租约有效.

University Apartments Layout